Kelpie, Hunter from the Depth.

Well, after the last three posts being about a historical figure, I think it is time that we return to the supernatural part of cultures. Let’s visit one of the most recognizable monsters of Scottish mythology, which at first glance may not look like it but is very much of the mythical world. Today I present you the Kelpie.

Kelpies are shapeshifting monsters, usually resembling a great black or grey horse. They live exclusively in aquatic environments like lakes or rivers and only ever go to the surface to hunt. Be wary of them as Kelpies are expert hunters. They use their appearance to attract unsuspecting victims before dragging any unfortunate individual into the depth of their domain to be devoured. Their body is also extremely adhesive, making approaching one even more dangerous.

If you couldn’t tell already, that creature isn’t exactly the friendliest thing to hang around. I mean it will be more than happy to invite you for dinner, except you are the dinner.

Kelpies, however, are not restricted to horses, as some can even take human shapes. Of course, with the same addesive body and hunger for human flesh, so next time you wander into the Falkland, stay away as much as possible from large bodies of water. Who knows what may lie below the surface, waiting for someone foolish enough to approach the forbidden depth?

On a closing note, not all Kelpies are actually evil. One lone Kelpie is residing on the island of Barra, who happens to be quite nice, if a tad bit lonely though amongst its cruel kind.


Akhlut, Hunter From the Depth


Vlad the impaler, Fall of the Son of the Dragon