Carthage, the birthplace of Hannibal

During Rome's rise into power, it faced many threats from all around the Mediterranean world. None of them, however, came as close as the Great Hannibal. Where exactly does this man come from? In this post, I'll introduce you to the once-great city of Carthage, the birthplace of Hannibal

The Phoenicians built Carthage 814 BC on the coastline of what is now Tunis. This location allowed for total control over ships coming from North Africa to Sicilia – making the city a major trading port. Its newfound power will, however, upset Rome. When the city-state conquered the Italian peninsula, the two forces confronted each other and came into armed conflict twice, known as the Punic Wars.

Unfortunately for the trading city, Rome cannot be defeated. Despite Hannibal's legendary rampage across the Italian peninsula, annihilating two of Rome's largest armies, Carthage ultimately fell and was destroyed.

The city will be re-established as a roman colony soon after, which later will be taken over by the Vandals. In 533, Justinian will bring it back to the Byzantian empire before its conquest by the Arabs. Never will it reach the force it once held, forever staying in the shadow of Tunis. What a tragic end for such a great city, but that's the inevitable fate of every great civilization. However, in a world of history, what matters most is to be remembered in stories and legends and immortalize a legacy.


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