Banshee, Were Does the Legend Came From


Most people know what a banshee is, at least, I think… Don’t you? Anyway, if you don’t, she simply is a high pitch screaming female ghost. But do you know where this mythical creature comes from? And what is her purpose outside of being a master ear-splitting? The Banshee is a creature from the Irish legends. She first appeared in the 8th century. They could appear in many forms, from the most charming woman to the scariest old hag or a half-skeleton woman. But their appearance had a meaning you see, furthermore, they don’t shout at anyone without reason. It served as a warning for the near coming of Death itself.

Also, unlike many other creatures in Celtic mythology, banshees didn’t follow a single alignment. Aside from this primary purpose, some appearances were a warning of coming disaster, while others served as agents of vengeance and chaos. So next time you see a fantomatic woman in the middle of the night screaming at you, have no fear from her, but brace yourself for what is coming, you’ll need it.


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