Quebec, Civilization Museum


Civilizations and evolution of Quebec

The Civilization Museum of Quebec houses many expositions (around 6-7), which is uncommon for a museum of this size. Three of them are particularly interesting to anyone interested in the past of the people of the province and the first nations.

People of Quebec Them and Now


 This exhibit is all about the evolution of the Province of Quebec from the beginning of the colonies to a few years back. It started with many Amerindians artifacts and the first settlements. There is a reproduction of the house of Champlain, which is surprisingly well fortified.Next comes many colonial artifacts of various origins like household objects or trapper equipment. There are also few things on the original Alliances with the French and the Huron/Wendat (want to learn more about them, go visit my post on a Wendat village, which is linked at the bottom).The next stage is the end of the English domination of Canada and it becomes a partially independent colony. Furthermore, during the same period, Canada saw its economy grow, as well as its immigration. The following section covers the numerous political changes Quebec faces, as well as its industries.It finishes with the final great change of Quebec, the urbanization era. It also contains a representation of the Battle of Abraham's plains.

Trappeurs to entrepreneurs


This exhibit follows the evolution of the industries in Canada. It begins with the fur trade under the French. The most prized on fur was Beaver furs as it was used to make high-quality hats. It changes under the English domination, the fur trade was abandoned in favour of the wood industry. Later on, it will evolve in shipbuilding in order to sustain the Royal Navy. During the industrial era, many new industries are created. Starting with the weapons and ammunitions with the arrival of the WWI, going to a new generation of corsets.Various smaller ones, like brews, tobacco and paper, will appear around the same time. All of this will result in a massive boost in the Canadian economy. This will lead to the apparition of the first big retail stores in the country (the Hudson's Bay Company).The final great innovation in the world of industries in Canada is the incoming of two great markets, technology like TV and video games, and medicine.

The First Nation


The last interesting exhibition is about the past (and a bit of present) of the First Nation. The main part of the exhibition is about the objects used daily by the Amerindians. Those objects include cloths, huntings equipment and snowshoes. It also contains many pieces of art like structures or statues. Aswell as a model of a maps of the area made by the First Nations. In one end of the room, there is a map of the First Nations communities in Quebec today, with this, there are many miniatures of various tepees. Finally, there is a short movie on the Canadian wildlife. This museum may not be the most complex, but it still has many interesting things to offer.


Museum Pointe a Calliere and the Queens of ancient Egypt


Citadel of Quebec And Abraham Plain